YouTube DUI Arrest

Funny DUI Arrest video- Don't Be This Guy!

A DUI arrest can cost you $10,000 or more. Impound fees, fines, court costs, attorney fees, insurance surcharge, DUI school, alcohol/ drug abuse assessment, ignition interlock- it adds up fast. Instead of losing your hard earned cash, use a sober designated driver (free) or call a cab or Zingo ($5 to $30- a lot less than a DUI arrest).

Did you know there were nearly 6,000 DUI arrests in Hillsborough County last year- more than any other county in Florida? Specialized DUI patrols are out every night looking for impaired drivers. Do you want your mug shot posted on line, for your friends, family and your boss to see? Click on this link: Mugshots page to see people who have been arrested for DUI and other crimes in Tampa Bay. If you drink, don't take the risk of getting arrested. Save your cash and your future- get a safe ride.

Safe Ride Alternatives

Zingo Designated Driver Service: Call Zingo and a driver arrives on a folding mini-motorcycle. He folds it, bags it and places it in your trunk. Then takes you home safely and takes off on the bike! Zingo drives you and your car home. $10 pick up and $3 per mile. 1.888.ZINGO.11 or 1.888.946.4611 Website: Zingo Tampa

Cab$2.00 for first 1/5 mile, $0.45 for each additional 1/5 mile, $0.40 each 80 seconds of waiting time.  Inside Downtown, Channelside and Ybor- for car loads of 3 or more flat rate of $3.00 per person
United Cab ‐ 813.253.2424
Yellow Cab ‐ 813.253.0121
Yellow Cab Website

HART (Hillsborough Area Regional Transit) Bus and Trolley schedule:
Local: $1.75 Express: $2.75 Connector: $0.50
Phone: 813.254.4278

Trolley:  $2.50 each way

Sober Designated Driver:  Free!

DUI Guy Media Campaign

Don't Be That DUI Guy Posters:

DUI Urinal Ad 1

DUI Resume Ad 2

DUI Flip Cup Ad 3

Don't Be That DUI Guy 30 second radio ad:

$10,000 Ride Ad

DUI Guy TV ad:

$10,000 Ride Ad on You Tube


DUI Prevention Links, Videos and Ads

Thursday through Saturday nights, HCSO and TPD have increased DUI enforcement: TPD has 9 DUI officers out looking for impaired drivers every weekend night and they make 10 to 25 arrests each of those nights.HCSO has 20 DUI Investigators patrolling for DUI's on Thursday- Saturday night. In addition, over 100 HCSO deputies are on patrol and on the lookout for DUI. Almost 115 people are arrested every week for DUI in Hillsborough County.
Don't be that DUI guy!


BACCHUS Impaired Driving Prevention

NHTSA's Stop Impaired Driving

Need Help? Alcoholics Anonymous link

Drunk Driving: Jacqueline Saburido' s story

Simple Plan: Untitled- DUI Music Video

Video in Remembrance of Meagan Napier

Ad Council Ads:

Buzzed Driving- Ambulance

Buzzed Driving- Mug Shot

Buzzed Driving- Breathalyzer

Washington Traffic Safety Commission Ad:

Drive Hammered- Get Nailed

Designated Driver Ad- Budweiser

Archives Safe Rides Alcohol Policy Impaired Driving